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Knowing the present,
change the future.


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Forecast using AI based on actual data of professional management company.

"Will this project work perfectly?"
Many people involved in the project have this anxiety.

Proceeding the project with vague anxiety,
desperately deal with the problems that appear one after another.
Do you have that kind of experience?
"I wish I could easily understand what is happening now and what will happen in the future."
Have you ever thought so?

This diagnosis is a new service that responds to such thoughts.
"First, understand the current situation and use the power of management to improve the future."
Let's take a step toward that.

Management power creating the better future.

Forecast your system development project success rate using AI

Project Success Rate Forecast

10 mins, Join for Free

The success rate of a project can be "predicated" by the situation at the beginning of the project.
Also, the success rate will be "keep changing" in the situation after the start.
Based on your answer, also by using AI statistical methods, we will predicate your success rate.

usiness model patent application:Special request 2020-183165

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Visualize your project management level

Project Assessment

10 mins, Registration Free

Is the project properly "managed"? Including the projects will start, or the projects are on-going, and projects that have been done in the past.
By "assessing" the status of various projects, the maturity of project management can be visualized and compared with the ideal value.

Business model patent application:Special request 2020-121838

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PROEVER software will guide your project to success
and improve your employees' project management skills.